Tangail To Akkelpur Train Schedule With Ticket Price

Akkelpur is 284 KM far from Tangail, and it is the most popular and busy route. Do you want to travel from Tangail to Akkelpur by train? then there is some important information you have to know for a better journey like the train schedule and ticket price. If you read the whole article carefully you will get all the information that you need for the journey.

Tangail To Akkelpur Intercity Train Schedule

Ekota Express (705), and Drutojan Express (757) are the two intercity trains that run from Tangail to Akkelpur daily except Tuesday, and Wednesday respectively. For the trip, you need about 4 hours.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (705) No 12:05 16:25
Drutojan Express (757) No 22:00 01:40

Tangail To Akkelpur Train Ticket Price

If you notice below, you will find seven types of ticket prices with the seat categories. The lowest ticket price di 240 Tk and the highest is 865 Tk.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 240
Shuvon Chair 290
First Seat 385
First Birth 575
Snigdha 480
AC 545
Ac Birth 865

That’s all about the topic. If you need more information about the topic or any information on any train-related information then come to the site. Thank you.

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