Dinajpur To B.B. East Train Schedule With Ticket Price

B.B. East is 372 km far from Dinajpur and it is one of the popular train destinations where a lot of trains run daily with thousands of passengers. Do you want to travel from Dinajpur to B.B. East? then you have to know the train schedules and ticket prices of the route. You can know all your essential information from here.

Dinajpur To B.B. East Intercity Train Schedule

There are two intercity trains named Ekota Express and Drutojan Express on Dinajpur to B.B. East rouet. So if you are a passenger of Dinajpur to B.B. East route, you can also make your journey by the intercity trains.

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Ekota Express (706) Monday 23:04 05:24
Drutojan Express (758) Wednesday 10:04 16:33

Dinajpur To B.B. East Train Ticket Price

Here are the train ticket prices of Dinajpur to B.B. East route. In The following table, you will get both seat categories and ticket prices. Read the table carefully.

Seat Category Ticket Price (15% VAT)
Shuvon 305
Shuvon Chair 365
First Seat 490
First Birth 730
Snigdha 610
AC 730
Ac Birth 1095

I hope you have got all the information you are looking for. Stay connected with us for more information.

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